For our Short story, we first read numerous short stories in our English class, and depicted them. We then created our own short story. The limit was 700 words.

Short Story


He looked around. The door ajar, the knife on the table. The dried blood on the floor. But where was the body? It didn’t add up. He picked up his phone, “She’s not here.” The raspy voice on the other end of the line whispered. ”She was always the devils child.” The line went dead. He tried to clear his head, as he sorted through his thoughts he walked down into the basement. Eyeing the safe, he knelt down to type in a code. ‘8-7-3-4-5-4’. Denied. 9-7-4-4-5-4’. Denied again, he dug deep into his thoughts. Suddenly, It came to him. He looked down at the keypad on his cell phone. ’7-2-6-7-6-6’. The numbers stood for RANSOM,. He swung the safe door open, and there it was, what was once a human being, was now merely a bag of bones. RANSOM. The six letters written across the face of the bag. ReturnAnonymously NeverSpeakOnceMore. He had always known what his employers pseudonym had stood for, yet he was always forbidden to speak of them. The phone rang again, “what it is?” “Did you find the second bag,” the employer asked. “Not yet,” he replied. “That’s fine, replied the raspy voice, leave the rest to the police. Just get out of there.” Unexpectedly, there was a loud sound. Upstairs there was a break in. Someone else was after that same bag of bones. He raced over to the stairs, but it was too late. Four men, with ski masks, and shotguns lay atop the stairs. They pointed the barrels of their weapons down at the intruder. Suddenly everything froze.


 “Gunner, if you don’t turn that god damn T.V. off right now, so help me I will smash it into a million pieces, do you hear me!” “Yes mother,” he replied. “You go to bed now.” Said his mother. “ I want you to do well on your finals tomorrow.”